We are no stranger to the darkness and stigma that men fight everday.
We have thought of suicide and that everyone was better off if we were gone.
we have thought that we were all alone... that there was no one who could possibly understand what we were going through.
we didn't want to open up or reach out becase we felt like we were WEAK or a burden.
we fell deeper and deeper into the darkness: that men are suppose to be srong, and never break down mentally.
However, through our desire to be better for ourselves and families,
we used the gym and our bond to make gains in both the gym and our personal lives.
The gym helped us break through what we thought were our limits; not only physically but mentally too.
our ability to rely on one another grew as did our mental and physical strength.
We strive everyday to build ourselves and eachother up... in every sense of the word.
through all of this we developed resiliency and a bond that can not be broken.
This is how hopeless gains was created, this is our origin.